Étude / Rapport / Statistiques
The Chilling: Tendances mondiales de la violence en ligne contre les femmes journalistes
Violences au travail
Violences psychologiques
Violences sexuelles
Violences économiques
Violences administratives

(Rapport en anglais)
A pioneering UNESCO discussion paper points to a sharp increase in online violence against women journalists and reveals how these attacks are now inextricably bound up with disinformation, intersectional discrimination, and populist politics.
‘The Chilling: Global trends in online violence against women journalists’ presents an edited extract from a forthcoming interdisciplinary study carried out by the International Center for Journalists (ICFJ).

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(Rapport en anglais)
A pioneering UNESCO discussion paper points to a sharp increase in online violence against women journalists and reveals how these attacks are now inextricably bound up with disinformation, intersectional discrimination, and populist politics.
‘The Chilling: Global trends in online violence against women journalists’ presents an edited extract from a forthcoming interdisciplinary study carried out by the International Center for Journalists (ICFJ). The first of its kind in terms of its scope and methodology, it is based on a global survey of 901 journalists from 125 countries; long-form interviews with 173 journalists and experts; two big data case studies assessing over 2.5 million social media posts directed at prominent journalists Maria Ressa (The Philippines – laureate of the 2021 Guillermo Cano World Press Freedom Prize) and Carole Cadwalladr (UK); 15 detailed country case studies; and a literature review covering hundreds of scholarly and civil society research publications.

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Public(s) cible(s)
Professionnel·les de l'éducation
Professionnel·les de la santé
Élu·es et agent·es des collectivités et de l’administration
Année de publication
Date de mise à jour
02/03/2023 18:43

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